Transform Your Team with Jia Jiang's Rejection Therapy®

Rejection isn't just a setback; it's an opportunity

Unlock your team's potential with Jia Jiang, a world-renowned expert on resilience and emotional intelligence. Featured in one of the most viewed TED talks of all time, Jia's methods have revolutionized the approach to overcoming fear and turning rejection into a powerful asset.

  • 2000% ROI: Proven results with dramatic sales performance improvements.

  • Customized Programs: Tailored to meet the unique needs of each team.

  • Action-Oriented Learning: Practical strategies that convert theory into immediate action and results.

Over 400 Clients Have Embraced Rejection Therapy

The Problem—

It’s Probably Not What You Think

Rejection hurts. But do you know what’s even more destructive than rejection? The fear of rejection.

It’s a fear that lies beneath our reasoning and psychology. It’s a fear that’s woven into our DNA as human beings. But it’s also the fear that silently kills ambition and innovation. People without resilience would rather not try things and reject themselves than risk being rejected by others. And when they try, many give up at the first sign of rejection.

Meet Your Guide—

Jia Jiang, Author, Speaker, & Chief Rejection Officer

Jia is a top-booked keynote speaker and trainer on resilience and emotional intelligence. After being rejected by an investor for his business, he went on a journey of doing 100 days of Rejection Therapy to strengthen himself.

The result was astonishing. Jia not only overcame his fear and discovered many hidden insights on how to handle nos, but he also sparked an international movement of Rejection Therapy. Jia's TED talk on the subject, is one of the most viewed TED talks of all time. His book, Rejection Proof, is the #1 bestseller of all time on the subject of rejection.

Jia has worked with thousands of organizations to empower their people and teams, to conquer fear.

Rejection Therapy is a transformative tool that enhances resilience and creative problem-solving across all professional environments. From front-line sales to technical teams, this program equips diverse groups to embrace rejection and drive growth. Here’s how it helps specific teams:

Sales Teams

Equip your sales force with the resilience to handle rejection and convert it into a driver for higher sales and better customer interactions. Perfect for teams who face frequent customer pushbacks and need to maintain high energy and positivity.

Customer Service Teams

Transform how your customer service representatives perceive negative feedback. Our program teaches methods to turn challenging customer interactions into opportunities for growth and improved service delivery.

Marketing Teams

For creative teams who face constant critique and rejection of ideas, learning to harness feedback constructively can significantly boost innovative thinking and campaign success.

Start-Up Teams

Start-ups often face high rates of rejection from investors, partners, and the market. Our program instills the resilience needed to persevere, pivot, and find success amidst these challenges.

Unleashing Potential
Across the Board—

Teams Thriving with Rejection Therapy

The program's impact on our business was remarkable, leading to a record-setting month with an unprecedented number of contracts signed.

But its influence extended far beyond mere work performance. It profoundly impacted our personal lives as well, giving one of our team members the courage to pursue new heights and successfully launch her son's acting career. We're thrilled that he'll soon be seen in a Netflix series in 2025.

This program's ability to drive success on both professional and personal fronts is truly exceptional.”

Debby Jackson, President/CEO

Dynamic Team


Empower Your Team with Customized Rejection Therapy Programs

The Power of Resilience Workshop

[Duration: 2-4 hours] This interactive workshop is brimming with laughter, inspiration, and actionable tools. Dive deep into the arts of resilience, rejection, and negotiation. Participants will learn to:

  • Overcome fear in their requests

  • Transform a 'NO' into a 'YES'

  • Increase affirmative responses, both by asking and without

  • Navigate rejections to make them your biggest asset

  • Maintain healthy relationships even when saying 'NO'

Post-workshop, your team will approach challenges with newfound courage, enhancing their ability to sell, innovate, and engage more effectively.

Rejection Therapy™ Challenge

[Duration: 28 days] Join Jia for an unmatched sales and resilience boot camp that’s entirely action-based. Every day, your team will:

  • Approach new clients, overcoming their fear of rejection

  • Engage in daily accountability check-ins via text

  • Receive real-time coaching, encouragement, and progress tracking

  • Participate in kickoff and midway motivational Zoom sessions, ending with a celebration of their journey

With space for up to 100 participants, this program not only boosts sales acumen but also cultivates a culture of perseverance, teamwork, and continuous improvement.

Embrace Rejection, Unlock Resilience,
Drive Unstoppable Growth.

Transformative Impact

Discover How Rejection Therapy Revolutionizes Team Performance

Enhanced Resilience

Ditch the conventional. Our program is all about real actions. We put theory into practice, turning client outreach and rejection handling into daily sales habits.

Improved Engagement

By learning to handle rejection positively, teams can engage more openly and confidently with clients, stakeholders, and each other.

Accelerated Growth

Our hands-on approach pushes teams out of their comfort zones, fostering rapid personal and professional growth.

Proven ROI

With a track record of delivering over 2,000% ROI in sales performance improvements, investing in your team’s ability to manage rejection is not just necessary, it’s smart.

“Thank you for the awesome. I learned so much from you and have started my own rejection projects. The works have helped me become stronger 💪.”

“You should know what an outstanding job you did and how relevant your message was especially considering recent events... your impact on our organization was profound.”

Transform Your Team Today

Transform Your Team Today •

Embrace Rejection, Unlock Resilience, and Drive Unstoppable Growth